what we can do for you

BandCrew is an employment service agency that supplies your band with touring crew professionals (tour managers, sound engineers, instrument techs, etc.) and/or commercial insurance coverage for your tour!

  • Get your existing crew to join BandCrew and get insured

    Touring bands doing short to medium length tours have in the past been faced with a vexing problem: the need for commercial grade insurance, but not wanting to pay for a full annual premium which can run thousands of dollars. All Bandcrew employees are fully insured with a commercial policy that allows them to drive vehicles for touring productions. Bandcrew vehicle coverage includes both liability and collision coverage. The best part is the BandCrew can be purchased by the day.

  • Find a BandCrew member to help with your tour

    Got a tour, but no idea who to hire? Look through our list and send out a notice to interesting prospects.

  • Apply to join our database so you can be selected to help on tours

    Are you a touring professional? We get a lot of folks coming through here, and the best part is we don't charge a dime to either party for this service.